Alright, let's start off.
John K.-->Neil Garcia(BB9)-
Neil has to leave the game due to personal/family issues.
I know John K. did not voluntarily leave, but he was in the hospital at the time when he left and it prevented him from getting to know people in the way he should have, which is pretty which why John reminded me of Neil. (Essentially, his personal issue is what caused him to leave the game, because it prevented him from talking with everyone.)
You remind me a lot of Laura Crosby from the current season of Big Brother. I think Laura is someone that knew the game well and would have been a great player given the chance to stick around longer, but she was just in the minority alliance. I feel, in a similar way, you were in that same position.
Jenna-->Howie(BB6 & BB7)-
Jenna reminds me a lot of Howie. They both got into All-Stars, for one. Second, they were both very likable players in the game. Many people liked Jenna, just like many people (and all of America) loved Howie. Howie was also pretty good when it came to challenges, as was Jenna.
However, Howie was prone to emotional outbursts, and I feel that Jenna acts on emotions as well, as I've said before. Even here in the final Tribal Council, I feel that Jenna is asking questions that border more on the personal than on the strategic level.
Ibrehem-->Jason Guy(BB3)-->
Ibe played a lot like Jason. Jason was very strategic and made alliances, but had one great ally in Danielle. I feel that Yul was Ibe's "Danielle". Ibe and Jason were also good in competition mode and when it came to challenges, but both were not only very trustworthy but also very trusting people. They like to see the good in everyone else, and ultimately, that was the downfall of both of them very close to the end of the game.
OK, so to be honest, Yul was the hardest person for me to compare to one Big Brother player, not only because I have played a Big Brother game with him
, but also because I have seen so many different sides to Yul.
I went with Hardy from BB2--I think they had similar personalities (compared to Hardy's earlier season 2 personality), in that they were both very fun, loving, and nice people. They both proved to be very good at competitions.
However, they both were threatening to people in the endgame, and for that, they were both taken out close to the finish.
Rob C.-->Janelle Pierzina(BB6 & 7)-
To some people being compared to her might be the ultimate honor, to others, well, some people just don't like her.
I think Rob C. was a lot like Janelle in this game. He was liked and had allies hidden in places people didn't expect--I don't think until I worked to keep him in this game longer than he was originally going to stay that people even thought we were close or really talked with each other.
Rob C. was outside the majority alliance that was left in the game, so he should have been targetted. However, he won a challenge where he needed to
, just as Janelle would, and from there worked his way up. He wasn't immediately voted out as soon as he didn't win a challenge after that because he found ways around it and used strategy to help him get to the point he was at.
Sydney remins me a lot of Sheila in Season 1. For one, Sydney is a MILF-in-training.
No, but really, Syd played remarkably similar to the way Sheila did. Like Sheila, at the Tribal Council where Jenna said something to me and her, she wasn't afraid to speak her mind on the matter. Sheila was never really afriad to let out her feelings on anything, either.
Sydney and Sheila both got 3rd place in the game, and while neither had a remarkable strategy or made the best strategic moves, both got there on aligning with the right people AND making the moves they needed to make, when they needed to make them. They were both underestimated.
Phew, thanks Brad. LOL